Have You Explored Modern Microchipping Technology?

It’s always sad to see a flyer stapled to a signpost or on a bulletin board at the grocery store with a picture of a lost pet.

You imagine a child waiting for the phone to ring, hoping that some kind person happens to find their kitty and see the flyer.

Although tags and collars are important, they can tear or slip off. With microchipping, on the other hand, our veterinarian will inject a tiny computer chip (about the size of a grain of rice) just under your pet’s skin, between the shoulder blades. A number on the microchip is entered into an international database, like the Central Animal Registry or PETtrac. If your dog or cat is found, any animal hospital, shelter, or humane society can use a microchip reader to read the unique ID number contained on the chip.

The veterinarian or worker can accesses the database by inputting the number given off by the microchip. The chip can’t be lost or damaged, and it lasts for the pet’s entire life. However, it is your responsibility as the pet owner to update your contact information.

Safe & Secure

The microchip is convenient, safe, and reliable. Though many veterinarians and animal shelters are actively working to inform their clients about microchipping, there are still a number of myths keeping pet owners from microchipping their pets.

If you have any further questions, be sure to contact one of our friendly representatives. We’d love to tell you more about this innovative technology!
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